Investing $1.4 billion to buy a Warner Bros studio, EA is determined to become a `tycoon` in the world of sports games

In recent years, with the spread of sports events and the normalization of epidemics, the development of global sports mobile games is relatively rapid, and naturally has attracted

In late June, EA acquired mobile game developer Playdemic from Warner Bros for $1.4 billion in cash to increase EA’s influence in the sports mobile game market.

So what are the characteristics of the sports mobile game market, what is special about `Golf Clash` advertising, this article will help you find out.

Analyze the current status of the global sports mobile game market

1. Revenue increased significantly year-on-year and the first position effect strengthened

Sports culture is increasingly ingrained in the hearts of global users, especially in Europe and America.

Taking the US market as an example, from June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021, US sports mobile game revenue reached 650 million US dollars, up 16% year-on-year

But on the other hand, the crazy growth rate brought by the pandemic to mobile games has passed, users are becoming more and more picky about the quality and gameplay of the games, some mobile games are gradually clunky.

This can be confirmed through downloads, for example in the US market, sports mobile games only received 130 million downloads and installations in the past year, a decrease of 16.3% over the same period last year.

2. Analysis of hot advertising rankings: Mainly ball games, Chinese developers account for a very small proportion

Investing $1.4 billion to buy a Warner Bros studio, EA is determined to become a `tycoon` in the world of sports games

According to recent hotness rankings, most of the high impressions are for ball sports, in which golf and billiards advertisers are especially prominent, accounting for 60% of the positions on the list.

EA acquires Playdemic, a smart move to enter the mobile sports game market

Investing $1.4 billion to buy a Warner Bros studio, EA is determined to become a `tycoon` in the world of sports games

The industry growth potential of sports mobile games will certainly attract EA into the game, and the increasingly prominent first place effect and popularity of golf games will definitely lead EA to target these

In the hotness ranking above, we can see that there are two golf games, `Golf Clash` and `Golf Rival`, in which `Golf Clash` is superior to `Golf Rival` in terms of advertising performance, only

In addition, the total revenue of `Golf Clash` last year was about 185 million US dollars, and there were also about 5.3 million additional initial downloads.

In terms of gameplay, `Golf Clash` clearly recreates the sport of golf, especially the tournament system, using 1VS1 real-time PVP and equipped with many professional course maps.

In short, `Golf Clash` and its developer Playdemic naturally became EA’s top choice.

On the one hand, `Golf Clash`’s revenue is due to gameplay, on the other hand, it is closely related to high advertising performance, with the help of SocialPeta we can have a comprehensive view of the campaign

Investing $1.4 billion to buy a Warner Bros studio, EA is determined to become a `tycoon` in the world of sports games

Analyzing the Advertising Strategy of `Golf Clash`

1. The IOS platform is deeply developed in the European and American markets, and the Android platform is expanded to the Asian market

According to official public data, Golf Clash’s revenue method mainly comes from IAP, so the IOS platform side contributes the majority of revenue.

From showing material ads in the last 30 days, it can be seen that `Golf Clash` has actively increased the frequency of showing ads on the Android platform. In the last 30 days, the frequency of showing material ads

According to the official announcement, 60% of game revenue comes from the United States, and Europe and America are also popular places to play golf.

According to data from SocialPeta , `Golf Clash` puts about 17% of its material in the US market, and all the top ten countries in the rankings are European and American countries.

Looking back at countries with high frequency of advertising on the Android platform, it can be seen that `Golf Clash` is actively testing in the Asian market.

Investing $1.4 billion to buy a Warner Bros studio, EA is determined to become a `tycoon` in the world of sports games

2. The main channel showing ads is FB channels, the channel showing ads Google Ads has surpassed in the middle of the year

From the perspective of advertising channels, before mid-year, `Golf Clash` was mainly shown advertising on FB channels. By mid-April this year, it increased for a short time on many different FB channels, then

On the other hand, the Google Ads channel has been operating relatively stably for a long time, and by the middle of this year had a remarkable increase compared to the FB channel.

Investing $1.4 billion to buy a Warner Bros studio, EA is determined to become a `tycoon` in the world of sports games

The change in the proportion of advertising shown on the `Golf Clash` channel is not unfounded but comes from a change in the effect of display volume. From the data below, we can see that since May,

3. Advertising shows are mainly video-type materials, the main materials showing the context and gameplay

Among the types of materials advertised by `Golf Clash`, video materials have long occupied the leading position, accounting for more than 90%, only in mid-June this proportion decreased for a short time, at the same time

Trend of showing various types of advertisements of `Golf Clash`

Almost all images and playable ads shown in mid-June were shown on the Google Ads channel, the actual display performance is still poor compared to video ads, so after a short trial period

Image type material shown since mid-June of `Golf Clash`

The promotional video material of `Golf Clash` is relatively simple, without too much plot setup, basically showing the game context.

Video material mainly includes the following types:

1)Show the background, highlight the image quality and rich scene settings

2) Shows gameplay, live action highlights the details of the game

3) Set suspense and hide the outcome of the game


With the further outbreak of the Covid pandemic globally, it will continue to affect people’s lives and entertainment styles, on the one hand it will bring game developers many opportunities

Based on the above situation, it means that game promotion will rely more on the creation of high-quality advertising and high-precision advertising projection, it is expected that more and more game developers will

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