Crush the PS5 with an industrial machine, the Youtuber was criticized by the community as a view bait

Crush the PS5 with an industrial machine, the Youtuber was criticized by the community as a view bait 1

It’s been two weeks since the PS5 was officially sold worldwide, but at the present time, it is difficult for gamers to order the PS5 through Sony’s official distribution website because of the shortage. While many gamers around the world are `craving` to own a PS5, a Youtuber used an industrial crusher to destroy the … Read more

Truth Arena: 3 extremely strong equipment but become much weaker because they do not match the season 6.5 meta

Truth Arena: 3 extremely strong equipment but become much weaker because they do not match the season 6.5 meta 2

Dragon Claw In season 6, there was a time when squads that dealt magic damage took over and dominated the meta with Mages, main forces like Akali, Viktor… Even with a somewhat `brutal` squad like Hoa Ky However, when it came to season 6.5, everything changed completely when Dragon Claw dropped into a `waste` item … Read more

Millions of Chinese people stay up all night watching livestreams of the process of building an anti-coronavirus field hospital

Millions of Chinese people stay up all night watching livestreams of the process of building an anti-coronavirus field hospital 1

To prepare for the complicated developments of the flu epidemic caused by the new coronavirus (nCoV), the Chinese government decided to race against time to build two field hospitals with a capacity of more than 1,000 beds. At 3 a.m. on January 28, there were 790,000 people watching the live video broadcast from the construction … Read more

Stunned by the surreally beautiful cosplay version of Barbed Orianna: The photos tell stories, the story of a painful life

Stunned by the surreally beautiful cosplay version of Barbed Orianna: The photos tell stories, the story of a painful life 1

The surreal cosplay photos taken by Pion Kim when combined with Orianna’s storyline suddenly become a masterpiece. Nestled among the grocery stores on the streets of Piltover is the workshop of famous inventor Corin Reveck. Orianna possessed a spirit of exploration, but her father, worried for her own safety, never allowed her to leave the … Read more