Same as the Legend of Runeterra card game, what is different from most card-battle games in Vietnam?

Same as the Legend of Runeterra card game, what is different from most card-battle games in Vietnam? 0

Although it is the same card game as many other games available in Vietnam, Legends of Runeterra possesses a very different gameplay. Build a deck of cards in your own style, with tactics at a new `level` – There is no strongest deck, only the most flexible gameplay: Up to now, with the diversity of … Read more

The Vietnamese gaming industry no longer has as much `fire` as before, where does the cause come from?

It must be admitted that, with the remarkable development over the past nearly 20 years, the Vietnamese gaming industry has witnessed a lot of changes. This probably also comes from the fact that this generation of gamers has gradually become `old`, experienced and looks at games with a different approach, no longer as passionate and passionate as … Read more

Looking back at the collapse of the 300475 project and the fate of other pure Vietnamese games: Is making Vietnamese games still too difficult?

Looking back at the collapse of the 300475 project and the fate of other pure Vietnamese games: Is making Vietnamese games still too difficult? 2

300475 is one of the FPS projects that has received recognition from the gaming community over the past year because it is not only a simple game, but also has extremely great historical significance. There are many reasons to explain the collapse of this historic game project. If you’ve ever played 7554, surely many people have … Read more

A round of Asus Expo 2019 celebrating its 30th anniversary in Vietnam: A series of high-tech products will make gamers fascinated

A round of Asus Expo 2019 celebrating its 30th anniversary in Vietnam: A series of high-tech products will make gamers fascinated 1

Today, the Asus Expo 2019 technology exhibition officially opened at Military Zone 7 Arena – Ho Chi Minh City with the theme `Increadible On: Unleashing the extraordinary`. ASUS Expo 2019 is an event marking the 30-year journey of formation and development of the global god horse brand. At the same time, the ASUS ROG Championship: … Read more

What does the upcoming 5K game in Vietnam look like?

What does the upcoming 5K game in Vietnam look like? 1

On September 14, CMN Online publisher officially launches the game Kiem Thanh with the accompanying message: `Pioneer of 5K game – Pk freely`. Not picky about players Sword Saint webgame is very easy to play and participate, suitable for all ages. Unlimited features Players will certainly be overwhelmed with the thousands of diverse features of … Read more

Why is the fourth zodiac animal in Vietnam a cat and not a rabbit like all other Asian countries that celebrate Lunar New Year?

Why is the fourth zodiac animal in Vietnam a cat and not a rabbit like all other Asian countries that celebrate Lunar New Year? 5

Lunar New Year is a time to say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new year for a quarter of the world’s population from different countries and different cultures. Lunar New Year celebrates the new year according to the lunar calendar, which is the lunar calendar. According to the twelve zodiac animals in … Read more