Stunned by the surreally beautiful cosplay version of Barbed Orianna: The photos tell stories, the story of a painful life

The surreal cosplay photos taken by Pion Kim when combined with Orianna’s storyline suddenly become a masterpiece.

Nestled among the grocery stores on the streets of Piltover is the workshop of famous inventor Corin Reveck.

Stunned by the surreally beautiful cosplay version of Barbed Orianna: The photos tell stories, the story of a painful life

Orianna possessed a spirit of exploration, but her father, worried for her own safety, never allowed her to leave the neighborhood where they lived.

Stunned by the surreally beautiful cosplay version of Barbed Orianna: The photos tell stories, the story of a painful life
Stunned by the surreally beautiful cosplay version of Barbed Orianna: The photos tell stories, the story of a painful life

News of a disaster occurring in Zaun had spread to their store.

And then, with the maximum amount of subsidized goods she could carry with her, Orianna snuck away in the dark of night, taking the elevator down to the abyss below.

Stunned by the surreally beautiful cosplay version of Barbed Orianna: The photos tell stories, the story of a painful life
Stunned by the surreally beautiful cosplay version of Barbed Orianna: The photos tell stories, the story of a painful life

Her father was extremely angry, but shortly after returning, Orianna fell seriously ill.

After many sleepless nights, he finally completed his reckless plan, and performed the surgery himself.

Orianna returned to work, but the poison continued to spread throughout her body.

Gradually, Orianna begins to feel distant from her former self.

As the years passed, Corin’s chest pain left him unable to work, and Orianna was forced to support him.

Orianna never wondered how he got a Hextech crystal.

She spent weeks preparing, crafting a wind-up sphere – integrating it with her mechanical body, ready to store the crystal.

Corin became one with the last remnants of the girl he once knew and loved.

When dawn broke, she collected the piece of key attached to her lung, and a simple wave from the orb fastened it to her back.

Corin woke up and saw the factory filled with hundreds of tiny dolls.

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