Top 10 super giant prehistoric creatures that are easily mistaken for dinosaurs

Dinosaurs are the most famous animals on earth in prehistoric times, but they are not the only ones.

Liopleurodon is an ancient lizard that lived underwater during the Jurassic period, about 160-155 million years ago.

This lizard has a very large body size, reaching an adult length of 6.4m and weighing 3 tons.

Kaprosuchus, also known as the pig crocodile, is known from a nearly complete skull found in Niger.

It is estimated that Kaprosuchus was about 6m long.

Dimetrodon is a prehistoric reptile that lived in the Permian period.

Top 10 super giant prehistoric creatures that are easily mistaken for dinosaurs

Dimetrodon was a carnivore that lived 238 million years ago.

Elasmosaurus is one of several prehistoric reptiles that lived in the sea about 70 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period.

A scientist named Edward Drinker Cope was the first to find the fossil of Elasmosaurus in 1868. At that time, he mistook the head for a tail.

Top 10 super giant prehistoric creatures that are easily mistaken for dinosaurs

Many people think that pterosaurs are dinosaurs, but that’s not true.

Quetzalcoatlus is the largest pterosaur in Earth’s history.

Scutosaurus belongs to the Pareiasaur family of reptiles, living in the late Permian period.

Top 10 super giant prehistoric creatures that are easily mistaken for dinosaurs

Prionosuchus is the largest amphibian ever found, about 9 meters long.

Prionosuchus had a crocodile-like shape with a long, pointed snout, many sharp teeth, short legs, a long body and a tail suitable for swimming.

Euparkeria is quite small in size, about 55cm long, and lived about 245 million years ago.

Top 10 super giant prehistoric creatures that are easily mistaken for dinosaurs

Inostrancevia is considered a killing machine with 12cm long teeth, the perfect tool to finish off large prey.

Inostrancevia is a giant four-legged animal that can reach 4.3 meters when standing upright.

Mosasaurus appeared at the end of the Cretaceous period and became extinct when the Cretaceous period ended.

Top 10 super giant prehistoric creatures that are easily mistaken for dinosaurs

This species’ body is about 18m long, Mosasaurus is one of the largest reptiles living in the sea.

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