Not giving up his habit of `slandering`, the T1 expert continued to bring trouble to the management team by criticizing LCK commentators right on stream.

Talking about `slander` on the stream channel, LS – the male streamer under the management of T1 is definitely not a strange name to the League of Legends community anymore.

Recently, he caused T1 to be `in trouble` when he made a statement directly criticizing LCK commentator Bitdory on the stream channel.

In addition, LS also said that Bitdory slandered LS on a personal stream, not on the LCK broadcast channel, and what Bitdory said about LS was during the time this male streamer stopped all activities.

However, the LCK commentator immediately responded to LS’s criticism.

According to the announcement posted on YouTube by male commentator Bitdory, T1 immediately contacted the same evening.

`I would like to share the progress of the incident between me and LS

Today I had a phone conversation with an employee of T1.

If there is no reason or I am not wrong, I want the T1 side to give a public explanation, especially to foreign fans.

T1 resolved this issue very quickly.

Although I have not received any public apology or explanation, I still want to thank the T1 staff for quickly handling the incident.

It can be seen that, since changing its name to T1 and promoting communication with famous figures in the League of Legends industry, the legendary LCK team is really having a lot of trouble.

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