League of Legends audience ‘breathed oxygen’ with the G2 – Gen.G match, SofM was suddenly ‘named’

The match between Gen.G and G2 was really exciting and SofM was also `mentioned`.

Opening the Group Stage of MSI 2023 is a match between two powerful teams representing the LCK and LEC regions: Gen.G confronts G2 Esports.

A highly anticipated confrontation in the opening match of MSI 2023 – source: Twitter

After 4 tense games, Gen.G won an overwhelming 3-1 victory.

The audience also seemed extremely nervous to follow every development of the match.

League of Legends audience 'breathed oxygen' with the G2 - Gen.G match, SofM was suddenly 'named'

The two commentators of the match had to `breathe oxygen` – source: LoL Esports

The two names most mentioned after the match were Peyz (Gen.G) and Yike (G2).

League of Legends audience 'breathed oxygen' with the G2 - Gen.G match, SofM was suddenly 'named'

Flandre and Uzi watched Peyz’s performance – source: Weibo

In his first appearance at an MSI, Peyz was still overwhelmed in the first game.

League of Legends audience 'breathed oxygen' with the G2 - Gen.G match, SofM was suddenly 'named'

Young ADC Peyz has overshadowed his senior Hans Sama on the other side – source: LoL Esports

Meanwhile, speaking of Yike, he is showing that G2 has indeed found Jankos’s successor.

League of Legends audience 'breathed oxygen' with the G2 - Gen.G match, SofM was suddenly 'named'

Yike is the most praised player on G2 side and is also compared to SofM, Canyon, Karsa – source: LoL Esports

Gen.G has now firmly continued its journey on its winning path while G2 will have to start `climbing the mountain`.

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