In the current version 12.7 of Truth Arena, we can see the return of a series of long-range main forces such as Sivir, Jhin or Wizard teams.
And among the Draven-centric squads, the team of 4 Machines combined with 3 Elegant proved to be the most effective when ensuring all conditions for this unit to shine.
Normally, in the early game, you will start no different from the Inventor squad when using units like Ezreal, Camille, Zilean and Singed.

Moving into the mid-game phase, you should look to add Blitzcrank and Leona to your squad (level 6 stage).
After reaching level 8, you need to roll very hard to buy the key 4-gold units including Draven, Jhin, Orianna and Braum.

Regarding choosing technology cores, upgrades that help the back row deal more damage and be more resilient are the number one choice.
As for equipment options, you should combine full damage items for Draven and ignore Guinsoo’s Rage Blade.