Co Kiem Ky Dam Online is the most beautiful first half game you will ever play

If you want to play a game with top graphics, it must be a PC game, that is the truth, but Vietnamese gamers have not been satisfied with this for many years because distributors only focus on mobile games.

This is one of the reasons why many gamers have overcome barriers, accepted the problem of high ping to spend money to buy copyright, and now play online games abroad to satisfy their needs.

The game was developed by Aurogon (famous producer with 3 offline games Co Kiem Ky Dam on Steam) with Engine Vision technology platform.

Players immediately realize this in the first step when participating in the world of Co Kiem Ky Dam Online – character creation.

Players can adjust all details on the eyes, nose, mouth, chin… by dragging the sliders or using the mouse pointer to adjust directly on the character’s face.

This is not a new thing, even 3D games in Vietnam still exist.

Co Kiem Ky Dam Online is the most beautiful first half game you will ever play

Shape the character’s face

Co Kiem Ky Dam Online is the most beautiful first half game you will ever play

Co Kiem Ky Dam also builds a very realistic fairy world like we have seen when watching movies even though this is just a game.

The buildings are created in ancient Chinese style and exude a fairy-tale quality thanks to the scenery and effects coming from the surrounding details.

Engine Vision also allows to clearly display environmental effects, weather, lighting, self-contrast or transitions between day and night.

Co Kiem Ky Dam Online is the most beautiful first half game you will ever play
Co Kiem Ky Dam Online is the most beautiful first half game you will ever play

If a battle were to take place on water, we would see how realistic this interaction is.

Not only that, Co Kiem Ky Dam Online also creates an even more wonderful experience for players in the cutscene scenes built with CGI simulation technology during missions.


Co Kiem Ky Dam Online is the most beautiful first half game you will ever play


Some other images of the game:

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