5 thrilling scenarios like Hollywood movies that would happen if all humanity fell asleep for 1000 years before waking up

It wouldn’t be surprising if 1,000 years from now we wake up and there are still milk tea cups lying around.

And most importantly, we will have to fight to get back what we lost!

1. Jungles will grow everywhere on Earth

A heavily destroyed tropical forest takes more than 4,000 years to regenerate.

Animals living in the forest will also begin to grow in number because they have a lot of food sources.

2. People must fight to regain big cities

Humans once again need to fight to survive because they will have to face wild animals.

5 thrilling scenarios like Hollywood movies that would happen if all humanity fell asleep for 1000 years before waking up

We already have all the technical knowledge to build things back to the way they were.

3. The earth will be pitch black

The first day after people fall into the dream, most power plants using fossil fuels will close and lead to blackouts worldwide.

Only Times Square and Las Vegas remained lit for the next few days.

5 thrilling scenarios like Hollywood movies that would happen if all humanity fell asleep for 1000 years before waking up

4. Most domestic animals will become extinct

Animals such as dogs, pigs, cows and sheep will be most vulnerable to attack.

Large dog breeds like German Shepherds and wild breeds can adapt to nature and fend for themselves.

5. Many cities will be submerged underwater

5 thrilling scenarios like Hollywood movies that would happen if all humanity fell asleep for 1000 years before waking up

The reason lowland cities like Amsterdam still exist is thanks to drainage systems, dams and bridges.

Cities like New York, Miami and New Orleans will be underwater.

Source: Bright Side

5 thrilling scenarios like Hollywood movies that would happen if all humanity fell asleep for 1000 years before waking up

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